St. Paul’s Lenten Observances
March 4th- Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, 5:00 p.m.; tickets at the door:
Adults, $7.00; children under 12, $3.00. Family of four, $18.00.
March 5th- Ash Wednesday, Imposition of Ashes, 8:00 a.m.,12 noon, 7:00 p.m.
Stations of The Cross, Fridays in Lent at noon.
As part of its Lenten observances, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Wellsboro offers the service of Stations of the Cross at noon on Fridays.
The practice of following Christ’s path to Golgotha, the place of His crucifixion, with recollections of the events that occurred on the way, was observed by a nun visiting Jerusalem in the Fourth Century. At St. Paul’s, fourteen ‘stations’ located around the inside of the church recall these events for worshipers, who may move from station to station if they wish. At each station, a brief meditation and an appropriate prayer are offered.
The service is brief, lasting for only about twenty minutes, making it possible for people to attend during the lunch hour. Although brief, the service can be very helpful as one draws closer to Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and the Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection. The congregation of St. Paul’s welcomes all who may wish to join in this very appropriate Lenten devotion.
Holy Week 2025 Observances
Palm Sunday – April 13th
Christ’s Triumphal Entry in Jerusalem & the Celebration of Holy Communion at 8 and 10 AM
With the Blessing of the Palms on the Green at 10 AM or in the Parlor if inclement weather
Maundy Thursday – April 17th – 7 PM
Holy Communion observing the Last Supper with the Traditional Foot-Washing, the Stripping
of the Altar, and the Watch with Christ in the Garden through the night.
Good Friday – April 18th
Noon – The Proper Liturgy with the Passion Narrative and the Solemn Collects
12:45 – The Stations of the Cross
Easter Vigil – April 19th – 7 PM
The Easter Vigil, beginning at 7 PM, is a profound and joyful liturgical celebration marking the resurrection of Christ, featuring the lighting of the Paschal candle, scripture readings, and the first Eucharist of Easter.
Easter Day – April 20th
The Festive Eucharist of the Resurrection at 8 & 10 AM